Banking and capital markets

Banks and capital markets firms are facing unprecedented disruption. While reducing costs is critical, they must invest to meet customers’ digital expectations, manage risks, and attain sustainable business practices.

We help organizations become more ethical and competitive

In the new normal, banks need to create customer-centric business models and provide relevant experiences and offers to meet the customers’ changing needs. We help our clients achieve those goals and drive customer-first growth. We work with 8 out of the top 15 banks, and 9 out of the top 15 diversified financial companies, to help them reimagine their business, become data-driven open enterprises, and better equip themselves to meet evolving demands from the market, partners, and regulators.

Capital market firms, meanwhile, need to reduce structural, operational, and per-unit trade costs, introduce efficiencies, and invest in digital infrastructure, while meeting increasing regulatory obligations. We help our clients create efficient and responsible organisations, with digital innovation at their core, including business, product and regional eco-systems. And our holistic data, cloud, and analytics solutions enhance customer engagement, streamline operations, and ensure more effective risk management.

We provide strategic, transformational, and technical offerings in risk and compliance

Our approach to Banking and Capital Markets

Asset management

Asset managers are experiencing increased customer interest in ESG issues. They must also address new regulations prompted by DLT and AI/machine learning. We can help you respond to these demands, capture new market opportunities, and create compelling yet cost-effective customer propositions.

Cards and payments

Now is the time to consolidate your competitive position using digital solutions, while maximising your return on investment. We’re enabling financial institutions to deliver attractive, future-proofed, next-generation payment solutions at scale, and efficiently manage compliance and the complex risk environment.

Investment banking

We help you transform your office operations front-to-back to make them future-ready, more profitable, and resilient. You can monetise your assets and platforms, establish centres of excellence, and set up trade-as-a-service models to create new market opportunities.

Operational Risk Management

Our focus is on supporting clients in establishing robust guardrails that minimize the risk of reputational damage or regulatory penalties. By working closely with organizations, we help them develop and implement clear guidelines and protocols that align with regulatory requirements and best practices. These guardrails serve as a framework for ethical and compliant conduct, safeguarding the organization's reputation and reducing the likelihood of negative consequences.

Expected loss reduction

We assisted a leading merchant acquirer in the travel and airline industries with risk management and compliance, resulting in reduced exposure, lower expected losses, and increased profitability in high-risk sectors during a crisis. We successfully reduced the client’s exposure by over one-third and mitigated expected losses by approximately 85% during this turbulent period.


A global USA bank partnered with us to enhance their treasury, asset and liability management operating models, as well as their liquidity and interest rate risk management process. Through this transformational engagement, we made revisions to the client’s behavioral models and hedging strategy

Automotive industry

We designed and implemented a global integrity and compliance program for a world-leading automobile manufacturer. The program focused on implementing processes and inspiring people, strengthening governance and processes across more than 500 legal entities worldwide. Through diverse communication, training, and enablement initiatives, we engaged all employees on the path to achieving sustainable culture change.

Client results

Explore our success stories to see how we have helped businesses like yours overcome challenges and achieve tangible results.

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